intive_People: 5 Questions to Paulina Siwiec

intive is us. We come from different backgrounds, specialize in multiple fields and use various tools and languages. In this series of short interviews we introduce intive’s professionals by revealing how they work, what they do in their free time, and what drives them in life.

  • Name:  Paulina Siwiec

  • Location: Wrocław, Poland

  • Role: Principal UX Designer

  • Expert at: Diverging and converging 

  • Favorite app: Alarm clock. The snooze feature to be precise. 

  • Currently watching: Queer Eye. I love the people they help <3

  • Currently reading: A fiction book Festung Breslau by Marek Krajewski. The action takes place in Wrocław – it’s cool to know the setting so well.

What are your top 3 favorite examples of amazing UX design?

Procreate for artsy stuff, Notability for doodling the ideas on the go and Bring for family shared shopping lists. I actually enjoy using these on a regular basis. ‘Amazing’ UX is just that – you can tell it’s great when people really like the product and enjoy engaging with it.

How can UX be socially cautious? 

I think the UX community is already very cautious. We have seen our practices and tools solving intricate challenges and we keep looking around for things to improve. We think, read and discuss ethical aspects of our work. It’s possible that we are at the point where social responsibility needs to be taken to the next level. Maybe it’s time for a Ministry of Citizen Experience? A Terrestrial Experience Design? I’m kidding. But then again…

What do you think will be the next big thing in UX design?

To be consistent, I should now say that the next big thing would be designing for aliens, but in the meantime, we could make great use of blockchain. 

As a short-term goal, I’d say it would be really leveraging IoT. First digital tools like the calendar or mailbox, spread the vision of sky-rocketing productivity without the need to get up from the couch. Our productivity dreams came true and now we must handle these extended capabilities. We started believing that squeezing every aspect of our lives into a mobile device gives us more control. We have our memories, plans, dreams, duties, hobbies, and social life all in one place. As a result, we struggle with staying focused and present. With all this distraction, I’d hope for the next big thing in UX design to redistribute our focus more equally.

What’s your spirit animal and why?

Grown up female dog. Loyal and reliable, has seen a lot, patient, rarely barks, growls when necessary. 😀

Who would play you in a movie?

Robin Wright would be a good fit I heard but why not give Glenn Close her well-deserved Oscar?

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