Women Mentoring Women: intive’s Experts Join The Dare IT Initiative

Year after year, brick by brick intive works on breaking down the barriers to achieve true diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We sign diversity charters, develop dedicated D&I programs, but nothing makes us happier or prouder than seeing true openness and belief in the cause among intive’s employees.

This year, we’ve had an amazing opportunity to once again witness intivers’ unquenchable enthusiasm, when 6 of our experts voluntarily took part in the DARE IT initiative - Poland's biggest individual mentoring program led by female IT experts for women who wish to start their careers in the industry.

During the three month period, intive’s experts encouraged dynamic personal and career growth for women through a series of individual mentoring sessions. Focused on the implementation of mutually agreed upon goals, the mentors shared their knowledge with the mentees, helped them create development plans for entering the IT sector, but most importantly – led by example and inspired.

"Women sometimes put off their career in technology just because they are given so little information or advice about what working in the sector involves. I’m happy that Dare IT helps to change this. It was a pleasure to take part in this initiative." – said Anna Sarnowska, Senior QA Engineer at intive.

"The program was great, filled with positive energy and mutual respect. I particularly liked the fact that we as mentors could hand-pick our mentees - so I was actually able to choose the person I thought I could help, and I have the feeling that she’s gained quite a lot from our cooperation." – said Monika Kłokosińska, Software Engineer at intive.

"This program was a great adventure! I’m very happy and proud that my mentee has already succeeded in finding her first job as a QA! Actually, a huge number of girls got the job they wanted after this edition of Dare IT – and that’s the best proof that the initiative works and has an impact." – added Iwona Zemankiewicz-Siekawa, QA Engineer at intive.

An important feature of the Dare IT program is that it does not focus only on programmers, but also offers mentoring on a variety of other professions that are currently relevant in the tech industry – such as UX and business design, for example.

"UX is a vital part of the success of many tech companies, and I’m glad that more and more women decide to explore this career path. I’m so happy that I had a chance to show the beauty of this profession to my mentee!" – said Emilia Charatonik, UX Designer at intive.

"I believe being a witness of others growing is the highest reward of all. Therefore, I am truly happy I could help my mentee to evolve and become even stronger through the guidance, support, and sharing practical knowledge the same way my mentor did years ago. One day, mentees will become mentors – and this would not be possible without the first step: a noble initiative I was honored to be a part of." - added Anna Jadach-Maciejewska, Senior Business Designer at intive.

"It was very important for me to give my mentee a chance to build, maintain and strengthen her unique capabilities – and thus help her enter the amazing IT world with confidence." – concluded Barbara Gubsch, Senior Business Designer at intive.

Even though the mentoring program is over, the mentors and mentees have kept in touch, strengthening their relationships and offering support to one another through the dedicated female Dare IT community. Currently, it already comprises close to 3 400 people, ranging from juniors to experts – and with each concluded edition their number continues to grow.

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