Creating a Culture of Shared Expertise

At intive, we love to learn and expand our horizons. Every employee can take part in various courses, internal training, workshops, and webinars. Both as a participant and as a trainer!

We believe that learning is the best way to become the best version of yourself. 2000+ of our employees bring their unique experiences to the table, exchange ideas and spark excitement in each other. Our Learning and Development team makes sure that you have a lot of interesting options to choose from, as well as space for effective development and knowledge sharing.

Get to know our wide range of learning opportunities:

Train the trainers - regular meetings for in-house trainers, where we discuss issues related to conducting training and sharing knowledge, e.g. tools useful in online training, training evaluations, voice emission, soft skills. We focus on running webinars, internal training, and speaking at conferences.

Know IT, share IT - webinars run by our internal trainers. Everyone has the opportunity to propose and conduct an hour-long webinar about technical matters. Topics discussed include programming languages or project management.

Leadership Zone - an initiative aimed at managers. We offer various forms of educational materials (training, webinars, e-books) that enrich the knowledge of how to work effectively with people. Sample topics: productivity, feedback culture, remote work, psychological safety, professional burnout.

Internal training - a few hours long training (4-5h), mostly conducted online. They cover technological matters and soft skills such as emotional maturity in communication, non-violent communication, assertiveness, and feedback.

Coaching - any member of our team is welcome to participate in the coaching process. 1:1 meetings may be helpful in establishing a career path, better emotional management, or personal development.

At the moment, some of the above-mentioned initiatives are available in Poland only, but L&D team is constantly adding new exciting learning options for intivers all over the globe. We like to have a lot going on, so you can also benefit from language courses and get support if you want to attend external training courses. We follow the training policy that provides financial support for those who want to also participate in external conferences or workshops.

“You can learn some hard skills from online courses or books, but interaction with people is the thing that can change the way you think. It can influence not only your career path, but even your learning patterns. After training at intive, my hard skills have leveled up, but also the way I think and solve problems has changed. It’s been a great opportunity not only to develop myself but also exchange ideas and make new connections with other professionals.” - Anna Salita, QA Engineer

Nothing about you without you. The Learning & Development department regularly surveys your satisfaction and training needs. If you have any ideas, please let us know! Perhaps other colleagues think the same.

A company grows when people grow. Development is not only about the skills needed for a particular position, but also about the joy of work and constant curiosity about the world. At intive we make sure to nurture and satisfy this curiosity at the same time!

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