intive_people: Gonzalo Penovi, Principal Software Engineer

intive es nuestra comunidad. Cada persona cuenta con una historia única, se especializa en áreas múltiples y maneja distintas herramientas y lenguajes. En esta serie de entrevistas cortas vamos a presentarte a profesionales de intive mostrando cómo trabajan, qué hacen en su tiempo libre y cuáles son sus pasiones.

  • Name: Gonzalo Penovi

  • Location: Barcelona, Spain

  • Role: Principal Software Engineer

  • Expert at: React

  • Favorite app: Grammarly

  • Currently watching: Narcos Mexico (Season 3)

  • Currently reading: Do Spanish Tax regulations count as reading?

What’s your ultimate argument for React in the ‘React vs Angular’?

React is easy-to-learn and flexible. I love React syntax and the array of choices that it offers for the different projects that I work on. I feel that I can tailor everything to suit any project’s needs.

Which tech trend are you excited about the most as a software developer?

If I had to pick just one trend, I would have to say applied AI. I am really excited to see where it will take us as a society, especially in the healthcare. Covid-19 has caused a lot of interest in healthcare and also brought home the realization of how depressed we can get when we are lonely. I really think that AI can be a gamechanger regarding this.

If you were to get unlimited funding for a mobile app, what would you build?

I would build an AI-powered Paddle tennis virtual trainer. I am a huge fan of the sport, but is not an easy task to find paddle trainers in most countries (nor is it cheap in countries like Spain).

What was your favorite childhood game and why?

Definitely the Diablo II videogame. It was really challenging for me at the time, the role-play aspect of the game was great, the sound was immersive. I’ve always loved games where you could grow along with your character.

What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your home office window?

Well, I’ve just recently relocated, and I am still living at an Airbnb (on the ground floor), so there is not that much to see. But I would have to say people: different clothes, languages, and cultures. I find diversity here, in Barcelona, unusual and fascinating.

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