Discover the Limitless Power of Generative AI in Media & Entertainment

Understand the Impact of Generative AI on Your Business

Analyzing how to leverage Generative AI in your organization and building a strategic plan is key. From production planning to script writing and AI-assisted content moderation, we can help you assess which areas are going to provide the biggest opportunity for your business.

Generative AI Steps onto the Stage

In recent years, media streaming services have increasingly relied on AI systems to captivate audiences with personalized recommendations, enhancing the way users can surface TV shows, movies, series, and sports.

Now that Generative AI has taken a central place, intive is harnessing its creative power to impact every angle of the Media & Entertainment industry. Find out how we can help you transform your business, from the initial stages of content production to the ultimate viewers' experience at home.

Benefits of Generative AI in Media & Entertainment

Optimizing Workflows

Enhancing media production and distribution processes through data-driven optimization, intelligent automation, and AI co-piloting.

Leveraging Insights

Utilizing AI-generated metadata for enhanced discoverability, personalization, audience understanding, content/ad targeting, and de-risking product development.

Seizing the Power of Conversational AI

User support and engagement facilitated by a conversational interface, with improved customer service automation, accessibility, navigation, and discoverability of content.

Harnessing AI´s Creative Potential

Generative AI-powered solutions like script writing assistance and AI-assisted programming accelerate creativity, shorten time-to-market, and open up new business models and product enhancements.

Generative AI and Hyper-Personalization Synergies

Two game-changing technologies, Generative AI and Hyper-Personalization, are reshaping the TMC landscape. Generative AI-powered solutions can support every stage of the creative process, covering development, pre-production, production, and post-production stages.

Additionally, they conduct audience and sentiment analysis, predict trends, optimize workflows, and provide users with enhanced conversational search.

Combined with Hyper-Personalization, which delivers timely, relevant content recommen-dations and content-based ad optimization, these technologies enable immersive tailored experiences that amplify engagement and unlock business opportunities.

Content Distribution: Enhancing the Discovery Phase

AI Assisted Development

With evolved code generation and quality assurance, companies can get a substantial reduction of development time and time to market, leveraging synergies across business units.

Conversational Search

We´ve transformed the traditional search bar into a conversational search engine that offers personalized recommen-dations and seamless navigation for all users.

Recommendation Engine

Auto-tagging features in AI extract themes, topics, key phrases, and sentiments by automatically analyzing content. These tags enhance semantic search and facilitate media discovery when applied to respective files.

Make Smart Advertising a Reality with Generative AI

Combining powerful Generative AI solutions such as auto-tagging, transcription, tracking of objects, people, and locations, and scene change recognition, we can gather new insights for context-aware advertising and improved recommendations.

These capabilities can create a seamless 2nd screen experience that allows viewers to further explore content without on-screen video interruption, resulting in more natural, less intrusive, and better-targeted advertising.

Our Partners

Understand the Impact of Generative AI on Your Business

Analyzing how to leverage Generative AI in your organization and building a strategic plan is key. From production planning to script writing and AI-assisted content moderation, we can help you assess which areas are going to provide the biggest opportunity for your business.

Contact us and we will guide you through this journey!

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