Accelerating Humanitarian Aid with Johanniter

Transforming Donor Engagement through Innovative Mobile Solutions
"Living through one of Europe’s biggest humanitarian crises, our partnership with intive has enabled us to build technology that facilitates donations and bridges the gap between donors and direct humanitarian aid."
Berit Kamp
Project Management Innovation at Johanniter


Johanniter, a European non-profit humanitarian organization, partnered with intive to develop a new charity app to allow donors from all over the world to manage their charitable giving easily and directly from their phones.


Johanniter is a voluntary humanitarian organization that has participated in international aid efforts in Europe and the Middle East since 1952. With the close collaboration and support of more than 100,000 volunteers, the organization serves humanity with medical services and first aid, social care, international aid, disaster relief, and youth work.


Front-End Engineering
Back-End Engineering
UX Design

A Boost for Humanitarian Aid

Johanniter aligns its activities with two overarching goals: to ensure the immediate survival of people after disasters and to strengthen their resilience. In order to keep up with global tech trends, Johanniter wanted to create an app to streamline the process of gathering donations and resources for their humanitarian aid projects.
Agile Flutter AppDevelopment

In the summer of 2020, Johanniter joined forces with intive to design and develop its charity app from the scratch. Working with an agile setup, there was close collaboration between the two slides from start to finish.

As a first step, intive's award-winning design team conducted a prioritization and idea creation workshop which lead to defining and executing the solution in a single sprint. The design team used a modern Flutter framework to craft a highly user-friendly, natively-compiled app. This helped them to reduce expenses and time-to-market while increasing efficiency and productivity.

A User-Driven App for Digital Donations

As the majority of Johanniter donors tend to be older in age, one objective of creating the new app was to attract younger contributors. With this goal in mind, the intive team created "Spendenheld" - a mobile solution that facilitates digital donations in just a couple of clicks.

Thanks to intive's human-centric approach to engineering, the new app responds to the key needs of its users. People can choose between general donations to the Johanniter organization or individual donations to the projects they care about most. They can also filter according to category or federal state and can share projects via apps like WhatsApp, Gmail, and Instagram.

The app also allows for regional donations, showing the most relevant projects for specified geographical areas. Videos and news about each humanitarian project are added regularly so that people can track their selected initiatives and make smaller donations with higher frequency.

Together for aGood Cause

The Spendenheld app, now available on both iOS and Android devices, is transforming the donation process across Europe by bringing donors and humanitarian projects closer together. In these difficult times, where NGOs are responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, sending resources directly and quickly is crucial. This is why, in an act of solidarity, intive decided to partially subsidize the project, covering 25% of the app’s development-related costs.
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