Pockit Prepaid Card Application

Ensuring Financial Inclusion
intive deployed agile engineering resources that work alongside existing company structures, with the sprint team managing the project delivery using an agile approach (Kanban). The team developed Pockit's solution on Azure cloud, guaranteeing the resilience and scalability of the application.
The services provided included development, improvement, and maintenance of the front-and back-end and third-party service integrations. As intive developed the first version of the application in 2016, it's evident that the team's expertise and use of cloud services were innovative and ahead of their time.

intive delivered an innovative product that was user-friendly and full of features, helping Pockit spearhead social change. Working together with Pockit, the intive team improved customers’ journeys with speed, simplicity, and better security, enabling them to quickly open accounts and stay on top of their finances 24/7.
The inclusive onboarding process, intuitive navigation, and multiple money-managing features make the Pockit product remarkably functional for everyday use. The application supports users in building better credit scores and setting aside money for the future. Users are also able to gain cashback from Pockit partners, quickly and easily send money abroad, and convert currencies at a low cost.
Throughout the development phase, a team of three to eight intive specialists worked on creating Pockit’s flagship product. The application created by intive allowed the company not only to successfully start operations but also to mark its position in the market and set the stage for further growth.
Pockit saw the value of the intive specialists to such an extent that they have become an integral part of the company and now constitute its entire technical department. Along with developing, maintaining, and improving the application, Pockit benefited from intive's expertise in data analysis and report creation using Power BI.