intive people: Andrei de Oliveira Mosman, Senior Software Engineer

Name: Andrei de Oliveira Mosman

Location: Americana, São Paulo, Brazil

Role: Senior Software Engineer

Expert at: PHP

Favorite apps/tools: VS Code / Github Copilot / Docker / Mindmap / Obsidian / Mosaic Pro

Currently watching: I'm using my spare time to finish my writing experiment: A book about my musical experimentation: A bunch of songs and a few stories behind them. The first draft is almost finished. I already wrote 94%, according to my estimations. It's called "It's not good, but it's mine." (Free translation). The last I watched - and recommended - was "You".

Currently reading: I'm in between books at this moment. I just finished "Are you joking, mister Feynman", and this morning, I bought "How to solve it: A new aspect of mathematical method". Ok, I'm feeling a bit nerdier today.

1. Which tech trend are you excited about the most as a software developer?

I'm passionate about code as a form of expression. Since I learned to code in 1994, I immediately realized I could express myself and communicate through code. I explore other forms, such as composing music, writing songs, histories and tales, and event through painting, but it's pretty safe to say that my coding expression is way better than my art skills.

2. What do you love the most about what you do at intive?

There are two things (that I do not dissociate): The challenge and the people.

I'm working on a project in the entertainment industry, which I never worked on before, and I like to be in this mindset of absorbing all the information needed to get the job done. I feel the urge to be in the present when facing a challenge. So this mindset drives me to the flow state quite often.

I also love to meet and interact with people. We are all protagonists of our lives, and if you allow yourself to listen, you will get to know many amazing stories. At Intive, I was fortunate to meet interesting people willing to engage in rich conversations and cultural exchanges. And at the client I'm working with, the atmosphere is perfect.

When I was in the hiring process, on my first interview, the recruiter was smiling and saying everything with so much passion that I felt she was happy working here. When she asked what am I looking for, I felt welcome enough to share that my life goal is to wake up every morning feeling happy and motivated to begin work.

And so far, I've been lucky enough to be in this mood.

3. What should we expect in WordPress development in the coming months?

WordPress powers more than 43% of all websites on the internet in 2022, and it's still gaining terrain. In 2021 it was 37%. So naturally, this means that WordPress must strongly consider retro compatibility.

I don't expect a massive effort to make WP compatible with PHP 8.2, for example, due to the significant changes in language and the break of compatibility in some cases.

WordPress tends to be positioned more as a framework, CMS, and data source. At the same time, modern front-end frameworks, languages, and tools will more often consume WP data to provide the end user with a better, custom, and device-driven experience.

4. What character from a book or a movie would you like to go for coffee or beer with and why?

I choose Larry Darrell from the book the Razor's Edge. Larry is a pilot, traumatized by his experience in Word War I; he abdicates the status quo in pursuit of personal enlightenment. He finds part of the answer in books and part in living a simple life.

5. What’s your smartest work-related shortcut or productivity hack?

I realized that everything on my mind consumes what I call cycles of head processing. And from time to time, it goes to the foreground process, occupying my mind when it was not requested.

To free my mind, I add everything to a calendar. Even what I need to think about or decide.

For example, when my wife asks me to discuss where to go on our next vacation, I immediately add to my schedule: Tomorrow, 8:00, research exciting places to go. Then I tell her we can talk about it at night, just after my working day. Doing this allows me to take the information out of my mind.

For what I need to do daily, such as water the plants, I set the alarm to the most reasonable time and describe the task on the alarm name.

I became more productive by freeing my mind of what does not need to be there when I'm working.

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