intive people: Candela Kucar Latú, UX Lead

Name: Candela Kucar Latú

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Role: UX Lead

Expert at: UX/UI and Product Design

Favorite apps/tools: I'm going to give a classic designer answer: it depends. Generally, it’s apps that have the best collaboration functionalities like Figma or Figjam. But personally, I use Google Docs a lot to document the initiatives I'm working on.

Currently watching: (rewatching) Bojack Horseman

Currently reading: Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link.

1. What do you think will be the next big thing in UX design?

It’s a question that can be answered from different perspectives, at the organizational level (how to improve processes to work more efficiently), at other specific levels (trends in UI, UX, Product), among others. I'm going to bring in Invision's report "Inside 2023: The Future of Work" to try to give a solid answer.

This year we have a great opportunity to improve processes within remote work (to which we are still adapting). Miscommunication, time differences, too many messages and inefficient collaboration processes are some of the problems we encounter daily. As teams become more distributed, the ability to work across teams becomes even more critical, and challenging.

Cross-functional collaboration can help increase engagement, streamline work, drive innovation and align the organization. Teams are going to start looking for tools that help them work more efficiently across functions, communicate more clearly, and reduce the time spent searching for the information they need to do their jobs. A move toward tools that are easy to adopt and where co-workers can collaborate, rather than specialized tools that only certain teams and departments use. Starting to generate common languages where non-technical people can speak the same language in the same tool is key.

“Fifty-two percent of companies report employees experience a sense of workplace loneliness. Knowledge workers are simply burned out. Async enables work to get done wherever, whenever while also providing human engagement we continually crave.” —Christina Nguyen White, Senior Director of Product Design, Loom

For more information review the full report here.

2. Name 3 things that you like the most about being a UX Designer at intive

  • Being part of the growth and structuring of the team. With the merge of the three companies (Spark, SimTlix and intive) last year, new challenges arose, which as a small team we didn’t have. Being part of these initiatives and fostering the culture of the new team makes me learn and grow in my career.

  • Teamwork. Having two teams that you can rely on (your project team and intive's design team) is very useful to have different perspectives of a problem. In the design team, we create internal projects where we can learn new methodologies or tools focusing on our individual desires. It's a great team, with colleagues who have known each other for years, who support and trust each other.

  • Flexibility. Being a consulting company we have the possibility to be part of different types of projects with different types of challenges that give you flexibility and avoid being stuck in one place.

3. As a Team Lead, what makes a good team?

For me, having good teams is not about technical skills but about encouraging a sense of belonging, listening to the team, and identifying their needs and motivations. One of the biggest challenges is to reduce isolation among the different members. One way to do this is through team building and learning spaces to generate a personal and professional connection.

4. Who inspires you?

Daily, I’m inspired by the people around me, my design team and project teammates. I couldn't be on a team that doesn't inspire and motivate me to grow. Much of my learning was within UX communities with super generous mentors who share their learnings and mistakes with me.

If I had to name "famous people" I would say Brené Brown, for putting the focus on people's connection and vulnerability, Stefan Sagmeister, for being the first designer who blew my mind, and Mariana Enriquez, for restoring my love of reading.

5. What character from a book or a movie would you like to go for coffee or beer with?

Since I'm watching Bojack I'm going to bring up a character from that series - Princess Carolyne. She loves her career and worked hard to be where she is. She can solve any problem with a positive attitude. Whenever any of the other characters are in trouble, she is the one who comes out to give them a hand and motivate them to overcome it. She must be fun to listen to, she is a character with many stories to tell.

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