intive people: Darío Constantino, Senior QA Specialist

Name: Darío Constantino

Location: Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Role: Sr. QA Specialist

Expert at: Looking for and leading new improvement opportunities.

Favorite apps/tools: Kitchen tools. I love spending time spoiling food and sometimes cooking too.

Currently watching: life, nature, the world and the simple things of every day (it's not a series, it's literally speaking).

Currently reading: 200 años de soledad (because it’s the second time)

1. What's the best thing about being a QA Engineer?

To have the possibility of bringing calm and trust to the clients and the rest of the team.

A strong QA is always attending conflicts and helping understand the current status, but mainly the big picture of the product and project.

2. What do you love the most about what you do at intive?

I love that I have the possibility to lead the amazing QA chapter [Americas] and help colleagues to grow their careers.

There are a lot of people interested in learning and teaching each other. It’s an amazing place where all QA members have the chance to propose and find initiatives to work on them as teams. Connected with that, also I love collaborating and adding value to other areas within intive such as the Engineer Office, Recruiting, Capacity, etc.

3. If you could replace the word "bug", how would you name a software glitch? And why?


Because basically they are the possibility of showing something bad or something good depending on whether we fix it or not. So, they are the opportunity to present a better job, improve our results as a team and finally give a superior product to the client.

4. How would you describe the QA job to someone from another planet?

I haven't had enough time yet to learn alien language but if I had to describe it in English, I would say something like...

"QA is the art of traveling and enjoying the infinite path towards utopian perfection."

5. Who inspires you and why?

Clients. Seeing their astonished and happy faces when their ideas come true. It’s like seeing my niece’s face in amazement after seeing a magic trick.

Besides them, my lovely sister, and her way of putting love in everything she does. Definitely, by doing things with love, better results are achieved.

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