intive people: Juan Manuel Alvarez Gimenez, Sr. Software Developer

Name: Juan Manuel Alvarez Gimenez

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Role: Super Sr. Software Developer (I’m old)

Expert at: Understanding people's problems, designing and building software

Favorite apps/tools: IntelliJ Idea

Currently watching: Kingdom (anime)

Currently reading: I consume mostly tech blogs.

1. What is your greatest challenge as a senior software expert?

In general, technology is not the biggest issue, but defining the right scope with the available team in a given timeframe is an art (also add the technical restrictions that might apply!)

2. What is the most exciting part of working at intive?

Without any doubt: it’s the people! The communities in the company are a great place to share and learn from others. It is up to you how much you want to be involved in the many initiatives out there to develop your skills or contribute to CSR projects.

3. Which technologies would you like to learn in the near future?

I had enough of backend, frontend and mobile in my career, it could be fun to learn Data Science, Blockchain or maybe about the metaverse.

4. What’s your smartest work-related shortcut or productivity hack?

On the contrary, I would rather advise avoiding shortcuts! Experience is made from many hours of being exposed to different challenges, both technically and soft skills related. Study! Learn from others! Make questions! Before you realize it, a few years would have passed, and you’ll have a great skillset and solid experience.

5. As a Team Lead, what do you think makes a great team?

A great team is a team that is dynamic enough so that they can adapt to many of the most common possible situation such us:

  • Members adapting to different team sizes

  • Members learning new skills

  • Members adopting different good practices as we need them (and dropping others)

  • Members willing to take on different roles.

A good team Lead is key on helping the above to happen. Change is the only constant in all this!

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