Patronage - My start at intive

Patronage was my first step towards starting work as Junior Software Engineer. It allowed me to check my knowledge and skills before starting work in commercial projects, but also allowed me to learn a lot.

During the program, I realized that this is the work I dreamed of. I am happy that after the end of the program, I could stay in intive for longer.

The Patronage Program is intive’s way to introduce inexperienced people to the world of IT. The program is addressed to students and/or people wishing to change their career path. Patronage enabled me to learn many useful skills, which are now necessary for me when I am working on commercial projects. As a trainee, I had the opportunity to see first-hand what it's like to work as part of a team and how I can use in practice the knowledge I gained during my independent education.

Recruited for Patronage

I got to know about Patronage from my friends and from intive’s social media. I thought that I should send my application because this recruitment process could be the right way to test my knowledge. I was not wrong. The recruitment process made a positive impression on me. After sending the application, intive contacted me and sent a recruitment task. I was glad when I realized that I was able to solve it. It was prepared carefully and checked the skills of candidates from several topics. After handing it out, I got feedback: I had made it to the last stage. The last stage of the recruitment process was a talk with our future technology leaders. During that meeting, we talked about the task and were able to get to know each other better. At the beginning, I was stressed because it was the first time somebody evaluated my code, but the leaders were friendly, so the stress passed quickly. I remember this recruitment period as nice. If I had to say why it was nice, it would be because of the stable contact with recruiters. It gave me the feeling that I knew where I was at each stage of the recruitment process.

Development phase

We started the program with a kick-off meeting, where I and many other interesting people had the chance to get to know each other better. A lot of them worked in different professions but they all had an interest in software development. It was also an opportunity to meet our leaders and other intivers involved in Patronage. At this meeting, we were talking about the schedule and got the details about our project. I was a member of the JavaScript group, which was a group of 7 interns at the beginning. We were working mostly remotely because of the pandemic, but we had also a few in-office meetings. I think that our cooperation was really effective. We meet twice a week, it was so regularly that I felt I was in constant contact with the group. Before we started working on the project, we had trainings on Git and Scrum, so we could learn about these technologies and methods to use them later in the project development phase.

Working together as JavaScript team we created a VOD platform. We developed the inTiVi app, where users could find movies which were divided into categories. We had regular meetings where we shared the progress of our tasks and could ask questions if we had problems. During the project development stage, we had a chance to learn and use tools that are used in commercial projects daily. We had professional designs and we cooperated with another intern team- the QA team. The QA team tested our features and came back to us with things which we had to correct or improve. We also cooperated with Mobile team, also formed with trainees, which used our backend for their application. It was really exciting for me and for the first time I felt like a professional developer. We created features like registration, login, searching for movies, and other typical things for VOD platforms. We were using tools like Jira, GitHub, Storybook, and others which are used also in commercial projects. Apart from that, the leader of our group organized training sessions for us so we could expand our knowledge of the React framework which was used in our project. While working on the project, our leader reviewed our code, and we reviewed each other’s code as well. That was especially useful because each task we did was checked by professional programmers and they gave us crucial tips. First, I was a little scared of the comments I could receive about my code, but finally, the process was helpful for me and taught me how to write clean and better code. I made enormous progress both in the technical aspects and in the teamwork skills during the entire period of the program. I met amazing people who share my interests. We made a wonderful team. Everyone was always very willing to cooperate and helpful.

Get the job offer

After completing the program, I wanted to quickly put the skills I learned into practice. I enjoyed the work on projects with the team as well as the feeling that I really have an impact on the developed product. I knew this was what I wanted to do. Soon after the end of the internship, my current Line Manager called me with a job offer. I was excited when I heard the news! I was happy that I got the offer to work at intive as a Junior Software Engineer. I thought that my dream was coming true.

This is how I began my work at intive after smoothly completing the paperwork. Each year, selected graduates of the program are offered jobs as juniors, so other members of the JavaScript team got the job as I did. When I joined the company, I met other well-known faces from the Patronage Program. I appreciate that even if we do not work on the same project, we can meet in the office. Among the JavaScript group, 4 people ended up staying at intive for longer. In addition to getting the new job, Patronage gave me a chance to prove myself and my skills, I learned how to work in a team and find out if this was the job for me.

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