‘Home Is Where The Hyper-Personalization Is’. How AI Is Revolutionizing Domestic Appliances

The number of people living in smart homes will more than double by 2028. Artificial intelligence is, and will be, the backbone of many smart homes, making life more convenient and sophisticated for residents.

But AI in the home isn’t a new concept. Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa have been automating isolated tasks for years, including turning lights on and off, and closing and opening blinds. The difference now, however, is that AI systems are moving away from these binary, predefined tasks and toward more complex, personalized ones. That means AI is not only completing routine maintenance around the house but also supporting users’ lifestyle choices.

The digital age has opened up countless possibilities for AI in the home. Tech can help people make decisions, tailor recommendations to users’ preferences, and facilitate greener living. And, as AI is commercialized, barriers to access are lowered, meaning more demographics can utilize AI and reap its benefits in their domestic sphere.

AI at home isn’t a luxury anymore, it’s a fixture of modern living and can personalize processes that are equally functional, creative, and sustainable. Here’s how.

Hyper Personalized AI Aligns With User Values

As AI advances, more personalized products and services enable people to make their homes uniquely their own, and to carry out actions that reflect what is important to them. In particular, security, lifestyle, and energy efficiency are boosted by AI. People anticipate that AI devices empower them to enact and preserve such values.

Security is always a priority in home spaces – people want to know that access to their homes and its amenities is restricted. AI algorithms can verify a user's identity using biometrics, such as their voice, fingerprint or even their way of walking, and securely authorize commands such as unlocking doors or turning on alarms.

Elsewhere, AI can be conducive to wellness and lifestyle. For example, if a person is switching to a vegan diet, they could ask an AI device to curate vegan recipes, and then further personalize the list based on cooking time, cuisine style, and other specifications. In fact, AI-generated recipes were the second most popular use case among adults for AI-related products. There are also wearable devices like the AI pin from Humane, where people can show food items to the camera and ask questions about their nutritional and dietary information.

AI can shape more holistic experiences too. When preparing a vegan dinner, a user’s smart fridge could register what ingredients are in it, the user’s personal AI assistant could then create a recipe, order missing items and schedule a delivery time, meanwhile a connected smart oven could start to preheat.

When it comes to environmental footprint, AI can program devices to be more energy efficient. For instance, AI-enabled washing machines adjust cycle times, temperature, and detergent consumption based on clothes’ weight and material. Smart devices can also time when to turn off electronics, plus calibrate air conditioning or heating to optimal settings.

An AI Data Issue Brewing in the Kitchen?

The evolution of AI will naturally bring some challenges, especially when hyper-personalization demands user data. That opens up questions about where data is stored, who owns it, and who can access it. People want the benefits of personalized AI, but they don’t want to compromise their personal information.

On-device AI could be an option, where data is kept on the device itself instead of being transferred to the cloud. As a result, there are fewer gaps for malicious actors to interfere with people’s data. In cases where on-device AI is not feasible, alternative methods must be employed to ensure data privacy and security. Robust encryption protocols and stringent data management policies are critical. Hybrid approaches, combining local processing with cloud-based enhancements, help maintain the convenience and functionality of AI in home appliances while upholding the privacy and trust of users.

Another problem posed by data and AI is biases. AI models powering domestic appliances have to accommodate all users with diverse needs. But if the data to train those models is not representative, there is a risk that these devices amplify existing biases and exclude some demographics. Manufacturers need to ensure a human-centric approach to AI - building and testing AI products with comprehensive and inclusive data and continuously monitor & update AI models to ensure that home appliances serve all users equally.

AI services and products that don’t double down on data now risk losing users and having to make expensive retrofits down the line. AI regulation for bias will inevitably come, and so developers and designers should be looking to the likes of the EU AI Act for guidance around data protection and bias.

AI Dream Homes on the Doorstep

AI will only play a bigger and bigger role in daily life, developing to be even more personalized and more connected between devices.

Soon, AI will create new types of experiences in the home, providing interactions with devices through natural language, intuitive gestures, and even the subtle cues of subconscious body language. Already, AI-powered sensing technology can detect gestures, locate individuals in their home and monitor vital signals. For example, this can be used to create immersive experiences by steering audio directly to a listener's position or enhance safety for seniors through intelligent fall detection systems.

New types of interfaces will emerge – AI will make touchpoints even more seamless, perform more intricate tasks, and respond to users in a way that suits their personal preferences, lifestyle choices and special needs. intive is working on accessible conversational AI solutions that speak to users with care and provide them with meaningful responses. As Generative AI continues to mature and integrate into home appliances, truly adaptive systems centered on empathy will continue to break down barriers to accessibility.

AI in homes and kitchens will contribute to lower carbon emissions. One study found that already, home automation can save 12.8% of original emissions. And, as AI evolves, it can power greener domestic activities around the world, without disrupting the user experience.

Hyper-personalization AI offerings really can make a house a home. Still, it’s important to educate creators and users alike about the capabilities and limitations of AI, and how these can be safely and successfully applied in real home contexts. AI, much like a house, has to be maintained and keep humans at its core.

Speak to an intive expert about opening the doors to AI in the home setting.

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