intive people: Emiliano Morales, Specialist QA Engineer

Name: Emiliano Morales

Location: Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Role: Specialist QA Engineer

Expert at: Leading

Favorite apps/tools: Notion

Currently watching: I don't watch TV or series.

Currently reading: “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey

What is your greatest challenge as a Specialist QA Engineer?

I believe that one of the main challenges is facing responsibilities, challenges, and the human aspect while managing stress effectively. It is essential to learn how to delegate, understand the people you work with, motivate them, and assist them in their careers.

What do you love the most about what you do at intive?

What I appreciate the most is the opportunity to steer my career in a direction I truly enjoy. The abundance of projects spanning various industries, coupled with collaboration in multidisciplinary teams, allows for experimentation in different areas and the chance to enhance one's skills by working with different people. Over the past few years, I've had the privilege of learning and assisting others in various skills, an experience that I find truly invaluable.

What would be your advice for beginners choosing the direction of being a QA?

I believe this applies to anyone undertaking any activity. Never stop learning; observe what people around you are doing. What can you learn from them? Ask to take part in their responsibilities and grow in your own. I see this as the only path to development: understanding what we enjoy the most, adding value, and growing both professionally and personally.

Who inspires you and why?

Recently, I've drawn significant inspiration from Bryan Tracy, Jim Rohn, and Joe Dispenza. Their insights into the impact of our thoughts on our lives and strategies to harness them for success have genuinely motivated me to shift my mindset and behavior.

What’s your smartest work-related shortcut or productivity hack?

Begin by clearly defining your goals, then organize your day and week to achieve them. Despite its apparent simplicity, often, we find ourselves working on tasks that don't align with our goals and directing efforts toward activities that yield minimal results.

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